Hints and tips for gardenscapes
Hints and tips for gardenscapes

In his will, he specified that you are to be the sole heir of his mansion, complete with its endless acres of fresh, untainted nature. It seems that your grandfather, a botanist and fellow lover of nature, has passed on. Then, everything changed when you received the letter. You have a small garden and you do your part to preserve the local ecosystem, but you’d have to be an idiot to look out your window every day, witnessing the literal rape of the planet, and think you can make even the smallest difference. You choose to be a conscientious objector, living on the fringe of society in your humble cottage. You see the destruction outside your window every day: smog in the sky, exhaust fumes stinging the eyes of pedestrians, excess noise and excess light keeping all surrounding animals awake and unable to rest or find food. They design devices specifically for the purpose of deconstruction and decay, and use them in great wars that permanently scar the world. They disembowel our planet, bleeding it dry of oil and fossil fuels with no regard for the consequences. Humans have built massive factories that belch fumes into the atmosphere, coloring our already extremely limited view of the universe. Humans crawl out of the mud, get a few big ideas, and now they are systematically tearing this planet apart. Humans are a plague on the Earth: the Earth’s last plague. This walk through of Gardenscapes will offer detailed descriptions of the game, with additional tips and tricks for specific tricky levels.

hints and tips for gardenscapes

It is your responsibility to raise the money to repair the damages of this neglected property and create a beautiful garden. Gardenscapes is a Time-Management Adventure game in which you are entrusted with your grandfather’s mansion.

Hints and tips for gardenscapes